Contact Us
SGFHOA Board of Directors
- Mark Belt
- George Hidy
- Bob O'Saban
Email the board:
Mailing Address: Spring Grove Farm HOA Sections B and C, P.O. Box 650221, Sterling, VA 20167
SGFHOA Officers
(Appointed by the Board of Directors)
- President - Mark Belt
- Vice President - Bob O'Saban
- Secretary - George Hidy
- Treasurer - George Hidy
SGF HOA Architectural Control Committee
ACC Chairman - Looking for volunteer
Email External Improvement Forms and Complaint Forms to the ACC:
Mailing Address: Spring Grove Farm HOA ACC, P.O. Box 650221 Sterling, VA 20167
HOA Documents Page:
In case of Emergency
dial 9-1-1
Loudoun County Sheriff's Office
(703) 777-1021
Page updated 9 December 2017